If you sign up for extra life cover, it must be for at least 12 months. As long as you have stayed at the same level for that length of time, you can then change your level of life cover once a year in October. If you are already paying towards a higher level of life cover than 4 times your pensionable earnings, you have the option to change down as well as up.
Before increasing your cover, you must confirm that you are in good health by answering some medical questions on the Extra Life Cover choices form. If you answer yes to any of the questions you cannot increase your cover this time round. You do not have to answer the questions if you want to decrease your level of cover.
The annual renewal form also lists the costs of levels of life cover above the standard level. The costs are shown as percentages of your pensionable earnings (ignoring the Upper Limit of £52,270) and vary according to your age at 1 October. so this means that if you stay on the same level of cover from year to year, the cost will actually go up. The costs are reviewed from time to time and may change in the future. The life cover modeller will be updated if these costs change.