This hour long webinar was aimed at people who had recently entered the workforce for the first time, for example apprentices, graduates and those on placement. This webinar looks a top tips to help you manage your new salary with confidence.

The session is split into three key areas of money management – earning it, spending it and finally thinking about smart saving vs repaying debt. We discuss each area, and think about the actions and considerations to help set you up for a bright financial future. We’ll cover key areas of finance, including how tax and National Insurance work, building a budget, insurance, housing costs, student loans, making the most of your employment package, smarter spending, savings targets, different ways to save, and different ways to borrow and manage your money.

At the end of this webinar, you will be equipped with understanding and actions to implement to help you to manage your money confidently.

Please find a recording of a recent Financial Fundamentals webinar below:

Please note that this video was recorded in April 2023 and reflects our understanding of the relevant Unilever benefits and tax bands, if applicable, at that time.

Download the post session handout here

We are not Independent Financial Advisors (IFAs) and nothing on this website should be construed as independent financial advice. If you feel you would benefit from speaking to an IFA about your personal circumstances, you can find more information here.