You may find that you have a little more time available outside of working hours, when you would otherwise be commuting to work or engaging in social and leisure activities. If so, now is a perfect time to review your finances and do some general financial housekeeping.

Many of you will be working at home during this period, and there will be some opportunities to save money over this period.

Even if you are still at your usual place of work, the information contained in this series of four videos will still be relevant to you.

The videos include some top tips on:

  • Actions that you can take to make the most of your money during the pandemic
  • Steps you can take to review your expenditure and avoid unnecessary costs
  • A look at how the pandemic might affect your Unilever pension and shares

Some Unilever employees may find themselves in financial difficulty during the pandemic. This might happen if their spouse or partner is furloughed or made redundant from their own employer. The videos also include a section on practical steps that you can take if you find that you are struggling to make ends meet.

Covid-19 videos