Unilever wants to help you feel able to make good financial decisions as you approach retirement, so we have teamed up with pensions experts at First Actuarial to help answer the questions you might have about your finances and your pension when you retire.

As you approach your retirement date from active service in the Unilever UK Pension Fund you will therefore be invited to attend a 121 “at retirement” session by a member of the Unilever Pensions team. This session will be with one of the pensions experts at First Actuarial*. It will last for roughly one hour and is free of charge.

Your 121 will help you to:

  • Think about the decisions you have; and
  • Make some informed choices – hopefully helping you to avoid making any choices that you might regret in the future.

You will have the opportunity to ask any questions that you have about your retirement and your pensions and help you to understand the implications of the different choices that you have. But it is important to know that the pensions expert will not be able to tell you what they think you should do or make any decisions for you.

Further details of these sessions are included in the flyer.

Further information

How to book an "at retirement" 121 session

If you would like to arrange to have an “at retirement” 121 session then we’d love for you to get in touch. In order to be eligible for one of these sessions all you require is a retirement quotation from the Unilever pensions team. Once you have your retirement quotation, please drop us an email to unilever121@firstactuarial.co.uk to arrange your 121.

Even if you decide not to take up the opportunity to have a 121 “at retirement” session you might find some of the preparation information interesting.

* First Actuarial are a firm of pensions experts who are also specialists in providing financial education to help people feel able to make good decisions about their finances.


We are not Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) and nothing on this website should be construed as independent financial advice. If you feel you would benefit from speaking to an IFA about your personal circumstances, you can find more information here.